IRA Kids :: Advisory Board
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Denise W. Baker, CPA, Partner
Criss, Wilmarth & Parr, P.C.
Phone: (734) 697-8000
Fax: (734) 697-8345

Denise is a Certified Public Accounant and partner in the accounting and financial services firm, Criss, Wilmarth, and Parr, PC. She works with both corporate and private clients, primarly in southeast Michigan. Denise annually reviews the IRAKids website to make sure it reflects current tax code. Throughout the year, she reviews selected documents added to the website. She cannot provide advice and services to non-clients.

Anne Bannister
Phone: (734) 945-1639

Anne is Executive Director of the 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization in Ann Arbor, Michigan, called Personal Finance Education Services, Inc. (PFES). She is the Manager of the national Jump$tart Personal Finance Clearinghouse, the online database and virtual library of our nation’s pre-K through college personal finance education resources: Graduating from the University of Michigan in 1986, Anne has 24 years of experience in the financial services industry. She is a Certified Financial Planner®, a Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor®, and a Chartered Mutual Fund Counselor®. She and consultants to PFES offer workshops to classroom teachers, college students, employee groups and retirees on topics related to personal finance education. She is an author of an eight-volume series for teachers and students, titled Aflatoun: Child Social & Financial Education and published by Aflatoun, Child Savings International. The books are used in several Euro-Asian countries.


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